Get started with flexible alerting
Monibot provides flexible alerting in case something goes wrong:
1. Email Alerts
Email alerts are enabled by default, so you don't have to do anything to receive them.
You can, however, adjust the maximum email rate. The email rate limits the number of
emails Monibot will send you.
For example, if you specify a mail rate of "4h", Monibot will send you at most one
email every four hours.
To setup email alerting, follow these steps:
- Log in to Monibot. If you don't have an account, register now.
- Open your account profile.
- In the "Email Alerts" section, click "Change Mail Rate" and adjust the mail rate.
2. Pushover Alerts is a real-time notification service
for Android and iOS devices, and for web clients.
By default, pushover is disabled in Monibot.
To enable it, you need a Pushover account
You can register an account online or by installing the pushover app and registering there.
Either way, you will get a pushover user key that uniquely identifies your account.
To setup pushover alerting in Monibot, follow these steps:
- Log in to Monibot. If you don't have an account, register now.
- Open your account profile.
- In the "Pushover Alerts" section, click "Enable Pushover".
- In the "Pushover User Key" text input, enter your pushover user key. You can find that in your pushover account or pushover app.
- If desired, you can modify the pushover rate. For example, if you chose "4h" as pushover rate, Monibot will send at most one pushover every four hours.
- After configuring pushover, you can send a test alert for making sure your pushover integration is working correctly.
3. Ntfy Alerts is another real-time notification service
for Android and iOS devices, and for web browsers.
Ntfy is open source, so you can run a ntfy server yourself, if you wish.
You can also use the public server at "".
To setup alerting in Monibot, follow these steps:
- Log in to Monibot. If you don't have an account, register now.
- Open your account profile.
- In the "Ntfy Alerts" section, click "Enable Ntfy".
- The "Server Url" field is pre-filled with "", this is the default server.
- In the "Topic" field, enter a topic name that you want to send alerts to. A topic is like a password: Anybody with knowledge of that topic can read your alerts, so chose a topic that is not easy to guess.
- The optional "AccessToken" is only needed if you want to use a protected topic. See the ntfy docs for this:
- If desired, you can modify the ntfy rate. For example, if you chose "4h", Monibot will send at most one ntfy alert every four hours.
- After configuring Ntfy, you can send a test alert for making sure your ntfy integration is working correctly.
4. Webhooks
Monibot uses Webhooks to send alerts to any HTTP backend of your choice. When sending an alert, Monibot makes a HTTP POST request to the URL configured for the webhook.
It uses the following headers:
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: (+
The JSON request body looks like this:
"incidents": [
"Website Down",
"Machine Disk writes out of bounds, last 1h was 9GB",
"Metric node-1 package upgrades: Metric is out of limits [0, 0]: last was 12"
"tstamp_str": "2025-01-01T10:00:00+01:00",
"tstamp_unix": 1735686000
- The "incidents" array is a list of all active incidents.
- The "request_id" is a unique id for this webhook invocation.
- The "tstamp_str" is the timestamp in RFC3339 representation.
- The "tstamp_unix" is the timestamp in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 in UTC.
Monibot will retry a webhook invocation until it receives a HTTP status 200, with exponential backoff, max. 5 times. Each retry of one webhook invocation has the same identical request_id.
To setup webhooks, follow these steps:
- Log in to Monibot. If you don't have an account, register now.
- Open your account profile.
- In the "Webhook" section, click "Enable Webhook".
- Enter the webhook URL in the "URL" field. Monibot will send a HTTP POST request with alert data to that URL.
- If you wish, you can modify the webhook rate. For example, if you chose "1h", Monibot will trigger the webhook at most once every hour.
- After configuring the webhook, you can trigger a test webhook for making sure your webhook integration is properly configured.
If you have a question that is not covered by our docs, please feel free to contact us, we are happy to help.