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The moni command line tool

The moni command line tool ('moni' for short') is a small program that you can run on your server. It's light on resources, small, and easy to setup. The tool can be used to query machines, watchdogs and metrics from Monibot, as well as upload machine samples, watchdog heartbeats and metric values to Monibot.

Moni is open-source and hosted on github https://github.com/cvilsmeier/moni. You can build it manually (see instructions there) or download a precompiled Linux/Amd64 binary from https://github.com/cvilsmeier/moni/releases/latest

Once downloaded, copy moni to a suitable place, for instance:

user@host:~$ mkdir monibot
user@host:~$ mv Downloads/moni-linux-amd64.tar.gz monibot/
user@host:~$ cd monibot/
user@host:~/monibot$ tar -xf moni-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Test the installation with the following command:

user@host:~/monibot$ ./moni
Moni - A command line tool for https://monibot.io


    moni [flags] command


        Monibot URL, default is "https://monibot.io".
        You can set this also via environment variable MONIBOT_URL.

        Monibot API Key, default is "".
        You can set this also via environment variable MONIBOT_API_KEY (recommended).
        You can find your API Key in your profile on https://monibot.io.
        Note: For security, we recommend that you specify the API Key
        via MONIBOT_API_KEY, and not via -apiKey flag. The flag will show up in
        'ps aux' outputs and can be eavesdropped.

        Max. Send trials, default is 12.
        You can set this also via environment variable MONIBOT_TRIALS.

        Delay between trials, default is 5s.
        You can set this also via environment variable MONIBOT_DELAY.

        Verbose output, default is false.
        You can set this also via environment variable MONIBOT_VERBOSE ('true' or 'false').


        Ping the Monibot API. If an error occurs, moni will print
        that error. It it succeeds, moni will print nothing.

        List heartbeat watchdogs.

        Get heartbeat watchdog by id.

    beat  [interval]
        Send a heartbeat. If interval is not specified,
        moni sends one heartbeat and exits. If interval is
        specified, moni will stay in the background and send
        heartbeats in that interval

        List machines.

        Get machine by id.

        Send resource usage (load/cpu/mem/disk) samples for machine.
        Moni consults various files (/proc/loadavg, /proc/cpuinfo, etc.)
        and commands (/usr/bin/free, /usr/bin/df, etc.) to calculate
        resource usage. Therefore it currently supports linux only.
        Moni will stay in background and keep sampling in specified

        List metrics.

        Get and print metric info.

        Increment a Counter metric.
        Value must be a non-negative 64-bit integer value.

        Set a Gauge metric.
        Value must be a non-negative 64-bit integer value.

        Show config values.

        Show moni program version.

        Show the monibot-go SDK version moni was built with.

        Show this help page.

Exit Codes
    0 ok
    1 error
    2 wrong user input

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