Website Monitoring

What is a Website?

A Website is a collection of resources (e.g. HTML files, images, js/css files, dynamic content), hosted in the 'cloud' and served by a web server. Visitors of your website use a web browser to view all of these resources, as you do now, viewing this page. Each website has a unique HTTP address like '' or ''. Sometimes, websites are unreachable (or 'down', as we say). There are many reasons for a website being down:

  • Network errors
  • Wrong server setup
  • Software failures
  • Hacking attacks
  • Denial-of-Service attacks
  • and many more

What happens if my website is down?

That depends on your website. You may lose customers, miss business opportunities, or just dissapoint potential visitors of your website. If you are a developer and are in charge of keeping the website up and running, you might get unpleasant phone calls from your boss or client.

How can I know if my website is up or down?

You can launch your web browser, enter the URL of your website, and see if it's up. It's a very manual task. And you have to do it every 5 minutes (or so), 24x7, day and night.

How does Monibot keep my website up and running?

It doesn't. If your website goes down, Monibot can do nothing against it.

What does Monibot do, then?

Monibot tries to reach your website in short intervals (e.g. every 5 minutes), 24x7, day and night. If the website is down, Monibot will notify you instantly, for example via email, so that you can fix things before your customers/boss/client knows something is broken.
Moreover, Monibot records the response latency (the time it takes for your website to produce a response) for each trial, stores it in its database, and presents a nice chart. So you can check if your website becomes slower over time.

How do I monitor a website with Monibot?

Here are the steps required:

  • Login to Monibot, and enter the 'Websites' section
  • Click the 'New Website' Button
  • Enter a human-friendly name of your website, and the HTTP(S) URL.

That's it. From now on, Monibot will check your website's availability every 5 minutes. If the website goes down, Monibot will notify you.

What else does Monibot website monitoring offer?

  • Timeout monitoring: If the website is accessible, but it takes too long to load, Monibot will notify you.
  • Content check: Monibot checks the content of an HTML page with a previous version. If the content of the website changes without your knowledge, it could be a hacker attack and Monibot will notify you.
  • Keyword check: You can define text snippets that your website must contain. If your website no longer contains the defined text snippets, Monibot will notify you.

Monibot monitors your websites, servers and applications and notifies you if something goes wrong.

Start monitoring for free

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